我理想中的 roadmap,是可以知道目前自己擁有哪些技術,確定學習目標所繪製出來的地圖。此外,明天就來點 project 主題!不過會大量依靠 GPT 就是(太多事情了 QQ)。
今天會以Day 3 - 後端技能需求淺析,以及 roadmap 網站上的對照來繪製地圖:
If you are starting with little or no prior experience or education in computer science, it may take longer to develop the necessary skills and gain the experience needed to be a proficient backend developer. It could take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years.
鼓勵讀者和自己多多做 project
,roadmap 上這句話我看了很喜歡,分享給大家。Note: remember to make a lot of projects while you are learning to solidify your understanding of the concepts.